- Appointment commission A&CT 2017 (D.M) (2/12/2019)
- Regarding Vidhan Sabha Assembly Question (Dy. No 13/5/134) asked by Sh. Rakesh Singha (Theog) regarding Gratuity Benefits. (2/8/2019)
- Officer order regarding quiz competiton under RAA (2/2/2019)
- Celebration of World Wetland Day -2nd February ,2019 (1/30/2019)
- Regarding inclusion the name in TGT promotion panel(In service JBT) (1/30/2019)
- Regarding enhancement of emoluments of Primary Assistant Teachers (PATs) in the elementary Education Department (4/24/2017)
- R&P rules of TGT (4/22/2017)
- R&P rules of C&V (4/22/2017)
- R&P rules of CHT/HT/JBT (4/22/2017)